Friday Bouldering Club 08.07
Twice a month
Run by: Grzesiek Kozłowski
Friday(08.07), start at 18:30, 3 hours of climbing
Price: 25 PLN plus entry fee
Sign up 👉 Grzesiek: +48 603 643 262
Friday Bouldering Club
If you want improve your climbing skills by climbing, this option is for you!. There is no interest in hard workout, long trainings, heavy excercises. Grzesiek will show you how to improve your technique skills, how to solve specific boulder problem, to look differently and search for other solutions in bouldering. No matter with level you represent there is always something that can make you climbing easier and more fluent. Maybe you will learn how to heal hook properly or how to make a dyno move and pass boulder you dealing with.
See you on Friday eve!